Christina Strobel
May 7, 2011
CRE 101
Phyllis Salsedo

                                                                                         Final Reflection
    This was my busiest class by far, and I have never experienced such a difficult online class, I’m glad I only have to take it once. In the beginning it wasn’t so hard because we were just doing discussions and reflections. My favorite discussion prompt was the question about why people write. I loved this question because I’m a writer myself. I hope to publish my work someday, and am working on doing so at the moment. I thought it was fun to explain why I write. The discussions I disliked were the “Let’s Party” ones. Those were basically saying that at all teenage parties girls were going to get pregnant, and I found that to be a very judgmental thing to say. When I was in high school I never went to a party where people were having sex or drinking. In my opinion, if teenagers want to have sex they can find places to do so outside of teenage parties.
    I thought the reflections were most helpful because it helped me to remember what I had learned. I think by doing those the information will stay in my head longer than they normally would. Although I think they helped me a lot, I don’t think we needed to do so many. I think this reflection is great to have, but having one for every chapter seemed to be an excessive amount.
    I didn’t really enjoy doing the exercises, but they obviously helped me to understand how to do everything. My favorite chapter was the one where it talked about the guy who built stairs in his house so that if a burglar came in they would fall down. I’m an interior design major, so this really caught my attention as interesting. I recall that chapter having the most interesting stories. It’s really great when the questions are based off of a reading I like because then it’s more fun for me to actually answer the questions.
    I thought that the projects were…interesting, to say the least. The first project for Project HOPE was the easiest I thought. I did mine on the fathers of teenage pregnancies. I was really proud of my work, and thought that I would get a great grade, I had tried my hardest. Yet, you didn’t seem to enjoy it, and the feedback was not very clear on what I could’ve changed. Looking through other responses, I found that you had said the same exact thing that you had said to me to other people. 
    The next project with the group was very frustrating. Don’t get me wrong, my group was amazing and always on top of things, but the work load was way too much. I barely got any of my other homework done that week because one of my group members was always e-mailing me and telling me we had even more work. This project was not worth the frustration, and having a group project on an online class doesn’t seem very effective. Also, none of the group projects seemed to be good enough for you. I thought everyone did a great job, but you always said to look at the rubric, which didn’t really help.
    Lastly, on the last project we just completed, I did mine on something I am very passionate about and I hope you like it. The example you put up of an example of a finished project confused me. You said that it was good, but had flaws. This did not really help me because I would have liked to seen a project done perfectly so I would know what to do.
    Over all this class was helpful, but confusing.